Our Location: 11528 Jasper Ave. Edmonton, AB T5K0M8 (In the COSMEDICS Medical Bldg.)  View on Google Maps

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BodyDevotion Edmonton

Women's Health & Fertility

Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine for Women's Health and Fertility

There is so much to say about this section. We are the most underserved community in medicine, whether it's solutions and support throughout our fertile years or the extra support required for menopause.  Within the next 10 years 1.2 BILLION women, yes billion! will be menopausal or perimenopausal. We do not discuss or treat women’s issues enough and we aim to change that. 

We believe this is where we come in, to bring back mecine to women, woman’s medicine. Grandmothers Medicine. It’s not either, or. Western vs Eastern Medicine. Medicine of the system or medicine of the earth. Its both. 

I think back to why I got into medicine. Not so long ago  many of us grew up on a farm or in rural communities. Drugs were expensive and hard to get, or families were too poor to get them. My grandmother and my Mother even grew up this way. So when someone got sick in the family she used what we had always first. She had a remedy for most things, foods, herbs and teas and most of the time they worked. 

For fever, a warm compress of milk to your forehead or cut raw potatoes. Its sounds overly simple and kind of ridiculous but I recall even one time as an adult getting really sick with a high fever and chills on the west coast and all I could do was put on the cold cut potato compress, and it took my fever that night. For ear aches a couple of drops of warm olive oil infused with garlic always worked for me. 

I think it was she who inspired me to make my career in medicine, she had at least 100 things that kept us away from having to go to the doctor unnecessarily or require antibiotics. Now, they don’t cure all and sometimes a doctors visit is required. Our current system of medicine has unparalleled diagnostic tools, life saving and innovative surgeries and very effective drugs. However they don’t cure all either. Which is why we need to recognize that we now have the luxury of having both systems. Currently the medical system is over burdened bc we go for everything and have a habit of treating everything with drugs and or surgery and I can tell you from being an Allied Practitioner for 22 years we have so much to offer in support of our current system, 

 I think the thing to see here is what each system is good at and to utilize it. Blend both systems to support each other. We have access to both so why wouldn’t we balance the equation. Strive for balance in medicine, supportive and integrative care for all. Women’s rights to equal care, and every persons right to be able to access healthy food and herbal medicines.

Our offerings for Women’s medicine and how we can help you:

Syndromes/Symptoms/Conditions We Can Treat:

Menstrual Imbalances:
  Such as painful periods, absence of period, PCOS, and Endometriosis. We can also treat emotional symptoms which are related to hormones or the cycle such as PMS, anxiety, depression, frustration and anger disorders. 

Fertility Medicine:  Support during Pregnancy, recovery from childbirth including post partum depression, injury due to childbirth, strengthening the uterus and bladder, incontinence, morning sickness, insomnia and anxiety. We can also treat difficulty conceiving in both the male and female factors, recurrent pregnancy loss and many other obstacles to easy conception. 

Menopause:  We could list 100 symptoms under this category, the truth is there are many symptoms and difficulties during menopause that are never ever discussed as part of this change in a woman's life. As mentioned above within the next 10 years 1.2 BILLION women, yes billion! will be menopausal or perimenopausal. Currently the main 2 solutions for many of these challenges are; 

Surgical, and usually meaning hysterectomy or behavioural drugs such and ativan, prozac or lorazepam just to name a few. All come with side effects and we believe are a short term solution for a deeper problem which isn’t being addressed at all. Which is the state of the woman's hormones, the loss of estrogen and fluctuation of Progesterone, Testosterone and DHEA.  

What this means to the woman and the very real physical and the emotional symptoms and syndromes which accompany this change in a woman's life. And last but not the least the emotion of this time. The grief and mourning period which takes place at this time in a woman's life largely goes unaddressed and unnoticed as we typically assign all of her emotions as of a physical problem. When perhaps the honouring and support required during this time is half the battle or at least a start.

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